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Sell eBooks Online? Here's a Few Interesting Facts for You!
Any discussion about bookselling these days invariably leads to a discussion about how to sell eBooks online and eReaders. I attended a meeting in Phoenix last night hosted by the Arizona Book Publishing Association and heard a fascinating talk given by Executive Director Gwen Henson on the topic of eReaders. Not only was it a fascinating talk, but she handed out a nifty one page bullet list of the following factoids about eReaders and people who sell eBooks online. It makes for nice seminar conversation not to mention knowing this stuff makes you seem really, really smart: - December 26, 2009: On Christmas Day, for the first time ever, customers purchased more Kindle books than physical books.
Kindle Most Gifted Item
- July 19, 2010: Now the company has hit a more significant milestone, selling 143 e-books for every 100 hardcover books sold over the course of the second quarter. The rate is accelerating: For the past month, Amazon sold 180 e-books for every 100 hardcovers, and it sold three times as many e-books in the first six months of this year as it did in the first half of 2009.
Amazon.com News Release
- The study by L.E.K. Consulting shows that while e-reader owners are still a relatively small proportion of the population, almost half of them say they are reading more books. And a large number of those books are new books — in other words, books they would not otherwise have bought or read.
According to this study, 36 percent of the books read by people with e-readers are “incremental consumption,” representing new books rather than books the owner would otherwise have read in print.
e-Reader Owners Buy More Books
- Wall Street Journal Online: Amazon, the biggest seller of e-books, says its customers buy 3.3 times as many books after buying a Kindle, a figure that has accelerated in the past year as prices for the device fell.A study, released this month by the Book Industry Study Group Inc. found that men are bigger consumers of e-books than women by a narrow margin. Among e-book buyers, 52% were men compared with 48% for women—a reversal of print books, where women buy more.
U.S. electronic-book sales increased 176% in 2009, while total book sales in the U.S. fell 1.8%, according to the Association of American Publishers.
The ABCs of E-Reading: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703846604575448093175758872.html * * * * *Return To Top: Sell eBooks Online? Interesting Facts! Fascinating things I learned about eBooks and eReaders last night . . . Return To: Making Money Online Bookselling Blog Get the latest news and information about Internet bookselling available on the web. Return to Home Page: Making Money Online Selling Used Books A FREE step-by-step guide for making money online selling used books part-time or full-time from the ground up.
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