Listing DVD Movies For Sale:
A Step-by-Step Guide For Booksellers

By Joe Waynick

Having DVD movies for sale can be an important source of additional profit for your book selling store.

The backbone of my business is selling books. Nevertheless, DVDs are plentiful in all the same places where you find used books to sell, including used DVD wholesalers.

And DVD purchase prices aren't much different than books. You can pay $0.10 to $10.00 for used DVDs, but on average you can expect to pay around $3.00 each.

In addition, selling prices are also similar. You'll find you can sell used niche DVDs for $8.00 to $25.00 each on average.

The most profitable movies are typically television series when you have complete seasons of the show. That's especially true if the show is still airing on TV and you have used DVDs for sale.

Sales Velocity

Just as with books, it's important to understand sales velocity when you sell used DVD movies. That's because your DVD movies for sale are going to move off the shelf at a much different rate than books.

You determine the sales velocity of books by tracking their Amazon sales ranking. The rank can range from zero to ten million. The higher the number the longer it takes for the book to sell.

Any DVD you list with a sales rank below 100,000 is a goldmine.

DVDs also have a sales ranking. And the higher the number the longer it takes for the movie to sell. However, to determine a more accurate sales velocity for movies you sell in your home business selling DVDs online, you need to multiply the rank by a factor of five.

For example, if a DVD has a sales rank of 10,000 you multiply that number by five to arrive at 50,000. That's still a great number, but not as good as 10,000.


If you decide to put up DVD movies for sale you need to make sure the disks are scratch free.

If a book is in poor condition it may still sell depending on how rare it is. However, if a DVD is in poor shape and can't be played, it's useless no matter how scarce it may be.

When you're out book scouting and you're looking at DVDs, make sure you open the case and check the condition of the disk while you're in the store and before you go to the register.

However, light scratches on your used DVD videos for sale may be okay. You can remove light scratches with CD/DVD cleaner and scratch repair solution. Deep scratches should be avoided at all costs.

Crossover Skills

Listing DVD movies for sale is just as easy as listing and selling used books online. For instance, you don't have to wonder what software can be used for your business.

You use the same software and methods. And within the guidelines given above with sales ranking even the pricing strategies and bookselling analysis are similar.

Don't always expect to find the number one selling DVD every time you scout. However, you don’t want to sell DVDs for less than three times your cost. Of course, the higher the sales price the better. But don't price yourself out of the market.

Develop a thorough inspection regimen before listing any movie. And inspect it a second time after it sells but before you ship it to the customer.

Also, if you have the time, you might even try playing the DVD before selling it. If you can play the movie in the background while you do other things you might save yourself a few headaches by discovering disks that won't play and reduce your online business profit.

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