When was this written?

by Aileen
(Gilbert, AZ, USA)

If this article was published recently and is based on experience in the Phoenix area, then I must be living in an inverse parallel universe.

How I wish I could find these conditions in local Goodwill or other thrift stores! I think they existed in 2006 and even later. Even a year ago I could go into Goodwill and pick up a few books that would bring a good profit. But, things have changed.

When I look for books now in the Phoenix area I usually leave empty handed. They appear to be severely cherry picked for Goodwill's online store. What I find is lots of penny books. What I also find is tons of people with scanners. Even a year ago I never saw them at all. But now I run into one or two nearly every time I go into a thrift store.

I used to also find good new clothing items in Goodwill for resale, but I don't even bother to look anymore. They have vanished to almost nothing. The prices are also another problem. Thrift stores have gotten expensive!

I have been on the spot lately a number of times when new books were being wheeled out, but have found the selection to be poor. I will have to say that I have found a few VHS tapes of some value. The scanners seem to ignore them.

If I am just not trying hard enough or neglecting some approach which would fill my cart with promising books, I would love to hear of it.

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There Is More Than One Way To Skin a Cat! Not rated yet
Original Comment: November 28, 2014 Just to add to Joe's excellent rebuttal to Anonymous' overly simplified post, just because a thrift store …

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