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Internet Bookselling News & Views, Issue #16
April 12, 2014

April 12, 2014

Hello Again!

There’s been a big gap between newsletters, I know, and I’m very sorry. I’ve been so immersed in overcoming the many, many production problems than I’ve encountered in trying to get my new book, Advanced Internet Bookselling Techniques: how to take your home base online used books business to the next level published that I haven’t had time for very much else.

I’m hoping to make significant progress this month and shoot for a May publication date, but I’ve been promised results so many times (which I passed on to you through my discussion forum) and been disappointed that I don’t want to make promises that I’m not 100%sure that I can keep.

Meanwhile, I’ve written a number of blog posts that I haven’t shared with you through the newsletter and I want to do that today.

There are many new developments in the industry and I want to keep you up to speed, as well as give you my own unique perspective on how those developments may or may not affect your business.

I hope you enjoy this issue of the newsletter and I promise that I’ll get them out more frequently in the future.

Good hunting.


Aug 17, 2013
Business Negotiation Skills: What Are the Habits of Effective Negotiators?

When it comes to business negotiation skills and the entrepreneurial process, negotiations play a very important role. The negotiation skills of most leaders have a huge impact on the success of their organizations, and you are about to see five important tips that can help individuals become successful negotiators.

To read the full blog post click here: Habits of Effective Negotiators

Jan 10, 2014
Books for Young Leaders that Can Chart their Careers

Leadership is a valued quality that not everyone possesses. Through reading, those with the desire to lead can maximize their management qualities and succeed in the business environment.

To read the full blog post click here: Young Leadership Books

Jan 16, 2014
Avoiding Amazon’s Negative Feedback Mechanism

If you’re looking for help avoiding Amazon’s negative feedback mechanism, then you’re in luck because this article is what you’ve been searching for.

To read the full blog post click here: Avoid Negative Feedback

Feb 20, 2014
Protecting Your Amazon Seller Account

To protect your Amazon seller account it’s important that you understand the rules when you begin selling things on Amazon. Many new booksellers are often confused about the proper policies and…

To read the full blog post click here: Seller Account

Mar 02, 2014
Bookseller Mentor Program

As eCommerce continues to grow into a global phenomenon, selling used books online has become even more profitable than ever. I have personally sold as many as 4,000 books in a single month using...

To read the full blog post click here: Mentor Program

Apr 12, 2014
Amazon Booksellers Profit from Prices that Go Up and Not Down!

It’s hard to profit from prices that constantly go down. One of the best ways to make money online selling used books is to raise your prices as often as possible.

To read the full blog post click here: Increase Your Selling Prices!


Deal or No Deal? Amazon Offers Employees $5K to Quit
If your job offered you $5000 dollars to quit, would you take it? Employees at Amazon were offered that deal by CEO Jeff Bezos.

Read the full story here: Take the Money & Run!

Authors Guild: Amazon was Google's Target
Authors Guild: Google Yanked Readers out of Online Bookstores Through Mass-Digitization Program. Amazon was Google's prime target, says ...

Read the full story here: Did Google Target Amazon?

Book Sorting and the Fine Art of Forensic Psychology
“How long ago was Bush president? No need to answer. It’s a rhetorical question. Take a look at this.” Sam, who was on book sorting detail, bent down out of frame of her webcam and straightened back up. In each hand she was holding a trade paperback.

Read the full story here: Book Sorting & Forensic Psychology

* * * * *

Joe Waynick
Bookseller, Author, Mentor
Internet Bookselling Made Easy! How to Earn a Living Selling Used Books
Bookseller Resources:
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Know anyone who dreams of running his or her own successful business? Send them to for some of the most valuable FREE business resources on the Internet, as well as how to get the new book, "Internet Bookselling Made Easy! How to Earn a Living Selling Used Books Online."

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